Article 17

Judicial vacations

Agreement On A Unified Patent Court

Annex I – Statute of the Unified Patent Court

Chapter 2 – Organisational Provisions

Section 1 – Common provisions

Article 17 – Judicial vacations
  1. After consulting the Presidium, the President of the Court of Appeal shall establish the duration of judicial vacations and the rules on observing official holidays.
  2. During the period of judicial vacations, the functions of the President of the Court of Appeal and of the President of the Court of First Instance may be exercised by any judge invited by the respective President to that effect. In cases of urgency, the President of the Court of Appeal may convene the judges.
  3. The President of the Court of Appeal or the President of the Court of First Instance may, in proper circumstances, grant leave of absence to respectively judges of the Court of Appeal or judges of the Court of First Instance.

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Rule 342 – Dates, times and place of the sittings of the Court