Article 23

Duties of the Registrar

Agreement On A Unified Patent Court

Annex I – Statute of the Unified Patent Court

Chapter 2 – Organisational Provisions

Section 4 – The Registry

Article 23 – Duties of the Registrar
  1. The Registrar shall assist the Court, the President of the Court of Appeal, the President of the Court of First Instance and the judges in the performance of their functions. The Registrar shall be responsible for the organisation and activities of the Registry under the authority of the President of the Court of Appeal.
  2. The Registrar shall in particular be responsible for:
    1. keeping the register which shall include records of all cases before the Court;
    2. keeping and administering lists drawn up in accordance with Articles 18, 48(3) and 57(2) of the Agreement;
    3. keeping and publishing a list of notifications and withdrawals of opt-outs in accordance with Article 83 of the Agreement;
    4. publishing the decisions of the Court, subject to the protection of confidential information;
    5. publishing annual reports with statistical data; and
    6. ensuring that the information on opt-outs in accordance with Article 83 of the Agreement is notified to the European Patent Office.

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Rule 260 – Examination by the Registry of its own motion