Article 22

Liability for damage caused by infringements of Union law

Agreement On A Unified Patent Court

Part 1 – General and institutional provisions

Chapter 4 – The Primacy of Union Law, Liability and Responsibility of the Contracting Member States

Article 22 – Liability for damage caused by infringements of Union law
  1. The Contracting Member States are jointly and severally liable for damage resulting from an infringement of Union law by the Court of Appeal, in accordance with Union law concerning non-contractual liability of Member States for damage caused by their national courts breaching Union law.
  2. An action for such damages shall be brought against the Contracting Member State where the claimant has its residence or principal place of business or, in the absence of residence or principal place of business, place of business, before the competent authority of that Contracting Member State. Where the claimant does not have its residence, or principal place of business or, in the absence of residence or principal place of business, place of business in a Contracting Member State, the claimant may bring such an action against the Contracting Member State where the Court of Appeal has its seat, before the competent authority of that Contracting Member State.
    The competent authority shall apply the lex fori, with the exception of its private international law, to all questions not regulated by Union law or by this Agreement. The claimant shall be entitled to obtain the entire amount of damages awarded by the competent authority from the Contracting Member State against which the action was brought.
  3. The Contracting Member State that has paid damages is entitled to obtain proportional contribution, established in accordance with the method laid down in Article 37(3) and (4), from the other Contracting Member States. The detailed rules governing the Contracting Member States’ contribution under this paragraph shall be determined by the Administrative Committee.

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Articles linking to this article:

Article 5 – Liability

Statute linking to this article:

Rules linking to this article:

Rule 267 – Actions pursuant to Article 22 of the Agreement