Rule 118

Decision on the merits

Rules of Procedure

Part 1 – Procedures before the Court of First Instance

Chapter 3 – Oral procedure

Rule 118 – Decision on the merits
  1. In addition to the orders and measures and without prejudice to the discretion of the Court referred to in Articles 63, 64, 67 and 80 of the Agreement the Court may, if requested, order the payment of damages or compensation according to Articles 68 and 32(1)(f) of the Agreement. The amount of the damages or the compensation may be stated in the order or determined in separate proceedings [Rules 125144].
  2. If, while there are infringement proceedings before a local or regional division, a revocation action is pending between the same parties before the central division or an opposition is pending before the European Patent Office, the local or regional division:
    1. may render its decision on the merits of the infringement claim, including its orders, under the condition subsequent pursuant to Article 56(1) of the Agreement that the patent is not held to be wholly or partially invalid by the final decision in the revocation proceedings or a final decision of the European Patent Office or under any other term or condition; or
    2. may stay the infringement proceedings pending a decision in the revocation procedure or a decision of the European Patent Office and shall stay the infringement proceedings if it is of the view that there is a high likelihood that the relevant claims of the patent will be held to be invalid on any ground by the final decision in the revocation proceedings or of the European Patent Office where such decision of the European Patent Office may be expected to be given rapidly.
  3. Where, in the decision on the merits of a revocation action, the patent is found to be entirely or partially invalid, the Court shall revoke the patent entirely or partially according to Article 65 of the Agreement.
  4. Where the Court has made orders in accordance with paragraph 2(a) any party may apply to the local or regional division within two months following a final decision of the central division or the Court of Appeal or the European Patent Office as the case may be on the validity of the patent for orders consequential on such final decision [Rule 354.2].
  5. The Court shall decide in principle on the obligation to bear legal costs in accordance with Article 69 of the Agreement. The Court may order in advance of the decision that the parties submit a preliminary estimate of the legal costs that they will seek to recover.
  6. The Court shall give the decision on the merits as soon as possible after the closure of the oral hearing. The Court shall endeavour to issue the decision on the merits in writing within six weeks of the oral hearing. The Court shall give reasons for its decision.
  7. The Court may give its decision immediately after the closure of the oral hearing and provide its reasons on a subsequent date.
  8. The orders of the Court referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2(a) shall be enforceable on the defendant only after the claimant has notified the Court which part of the orders he intends to enforce, a certified translation of the orders in accordance with Rule 7.2, where applicable, into the official language of a Contracting Member State in which the enforcement shall take place has been provided by the claimant and the said notice and, where applicable, a certified translation of the orders have been served on the defendant by the Registry. The Court may subject any order or measure to a security to be given by the successful party to the unsuccessful party as determined by the Court in accordance with Rule 352.

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