Rule 192

Application for preserving evidence

Rules of Procedure

Part 2 – Evidence

Chapter 4 – Order to preserve evidence (saisie) and order for inspection

Order to preserve evidence (saisie)

Rule 192 – Application for preserving evidence
  1. An Application for preserving evidence may be lodged by a party (within the meaning of Article 47 of the Agreement) (hereinafter “the applicant”) at the division where the applicant has commenced infringement proceedings on the merits. If the application is lodged before proceedings on the merits have been started it shall be lodged at the division where the applicant intends to start proceedings on the merits.
  2. The Application for preserving evidence shall contain:
    1. particulars in accordance with Rule 13.1(a) to (i);
    2. a clear indication of the measures requested [Rule 196.1], including the exact location of the evidence to be preserved where it is known or suspected with good reason;
    3. the reasons why the proposed measures are needed to preserve relevant evidence; and
    4. the facts and evidence relied on in support of the Application.
      Where main proceedings on the merits of the case have not yet been started before the Court, the Application shall in addition contain a concise description of the action which will be started before the Court, including an indication of the facts and evidence which may be relied on in support.
  3. Where the applicant requests that measures to preserve evidence be ordered without hearing the other party (hereinafter “the defendant”), the Application for preserving evidence shall in addition set out the reasons for not hearing the defendant having regard in particular to Rule 197. The applicant shall be under a duty to disclose any material fact known to it which might influence the Court in deciding whether to make an order without hearing the defendant. The application shall not be entered on the register until notice has been given to the defendant pursuant to Rule 197.2.
  4. Where the Application for preserving evidence is lodged after main proceedings on the merits of the case have been started before the Court, the Application shall be drawn up in the language of the proceedings. Where the Application is lodged before main proceedings on the merits of the case have been started before the Court, Rule 14 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
  5. The applicant shall pay the fee for the Application for preserving evidence, in accordance with Part 6. Rule 15.2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

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