Rule 200

Order to freeze assets

Rules of Procedure

Part 2 – Evidence

Chapter 5 – Other evidence

Rule 200 – Order to freeze assets
  1. Where a party has presented reasonably available and plausible evidence in support of its claim that a patent has been or is about to be infringed the Court may, whether before or after proceedings have been commenced, order a party not to remove from its jurisdiction any assets or particular assets located therein nor to deal in any assets, whether located within its jurisdiction or not.
  2. Rules 192 to 198 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Link to this rule | To table of contents | Table of Court fees

Relation with Agreement:

Article 61 – Freezing orders

Relation with Statute:

Linking to this rule:

Rule 370 – Court fees

Table of Court fees:

III. Other procedures and actions (Court of First Instance)