Rule 238

Reply to a Statement of cross-appeal and further schedule

Rules of Procedure

Part 4 – Procedures before the court of appeal

Chapter 1 – Written procedure

Section 3 – Reply to a statement of cross-appeal

Rule 238 – Reply to a Statement of cross-appeal and further schedule
  1. The appellant may, within two months of service of any Statement of cross-appeal under Rules 237, 235.1, lodge a Reply to the Statement of cross-appeal which shall contain a response to the grounds of appeal raised in the Statement of cross-appeal.
  2. The appellant may, within 15 days of service of the Statement of cross-appeal under Rules 237 and 235.2, lodge a Reply to the Statement of cross-appeal which shall contain a response to the grounds of appeal raised in the Statement of cross-appeal.
  3. Rule 28 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

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