Article 13

President of the Court of Appeal

Agreement On A Unified Patent Court

Annex I – Statute of the Unified Patent Court

Chapter 2 – Organisational Provisions

Section 1 – Common provisions

Article 13 – President of the Court of Appeal
  1. The President of the Court of Appeal shall be elected by all judges of the Court of Appeal for a term of three years, from among their number. The President of the Court of Appeal may be re-elected twice.
  2. The elections of the President of the Court of Appeal shall be by secret ballot. A judge obtaining an absolute majority shall be elected. If no judge obtains an absolute majority, a second ballot shall be held and the judge obtaining the most votes shall be elected.
  3. The President of the Court of Appeal shall direct the judicial activities and the administration of the Court of Appeal and chair the Court of Appeal sitting as a full Court.
  4. If the office of the President of the Court of Appeal falls vacant before the date of expiry of his or her term, a successor shall be elected for the remainder thereof.

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