Article 14

President of the Court of First Instance

Agreement On A Unified Patent Court

Annex I – Statute of the Unified Patent Court

Chapter 2 – Organisational Provisions

Section 1 – Common provisions

Article 14 – President of the Court of First Instance
  1. The President of the Court of First Instance shall be elected by all judges of the Court of First Instance who are full-time judges, for a term of three years, from among their number. The President of the Court of First Instance may be re-elected twice.
  2. The first President of the Court of First Instance shall be a national of the Contracting Member State hosting the seat of the central division.
  3. The President of the Court of First Instance shall direct the judicial activities and the administration of the Court of First Instance.
  4. Article 13(2) and (4), shall by analogy apply to the President of the Court of First Instance.

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