Article 18

Setting up and discontinuance of a local or regional division

Agreement On A Unified Patent Court

Annex I – Statute of the Unified Patent Court

Chapter 2 – Organisational Provisions

Section 2 – The Court of First Instance

Article 18 – Setting up and discontinuance of a local or regional division
  1. A request from one or more Contracting Member States for the setting up of a local or regional division shall be addressed to the Chairman of the Administrative Committee. It shall indicate the seat of the local or regional division.
  2. The decision of the Administrative Committee setting up a local or regional division shall indicate the number of judges for the division concerned and shall be public.
  3. The Administrative Committee shall decide to discontinue a local or regional division at the request of the Contracting Member State hosting the local division or the Contracting Member States participating in the regional division. The decision to discontinue a local or regional division shall state the date after which no new cases may be brought before the division and the date on which the division will cease to exist.
  4. As from the date on which a local or regional division ceases to exist, the judges assigned to that local or regional division shall be assigned to the central division, and cases still pending before that local or regional division together with the sub-registry and all of its documentation shall be transferred to the central division.

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