Rule 10

Stages of the proceedings (inter partes proceedings)

Rules of Procedure

Part 1 – Procedures before the Court of First Instance

Rule 10 – Stages of the proceedings (inter partes proceedings)

Proceedings before the Court of First Instance shall consist of the following stages:

(a) a written procedure;

(b) an interim procedure, which may include an interim conference with the parties;

(c) an oral procedure which, subject to Rules 116.1 and 117, shall include an oral hearing of the parties unless the Court dispenses with the oral hearing with the agreement of the parties;

(d) a procedure for the award of damages, which may include a procedure to lay open books;

(e) a procedure for cost decisions.

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Relation with Agreement:

Article 52 – Written, interim and oral procedures

Article 68 – Award of damages

Article 69 – Legal costs

Relation with Statute:

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