Rule 140

Further procedure (Application for the determination of damages)

Rules of Procedure

Part 1 – Procedures before the Court of First Instance

Chapter 4 – Procedure for the determination of damages and compensation

Section 1 – Application for the determination of damages

Rule 140 – Further procedure (Application for the determination of damages)
  1. The judge-rapporteur may order further exchange of written pleadings, within time periods to be specified.
  2. The provisions of Part 1, Chapters 2 (Interim procedure) and 3 (Oral procedure) shall apply mutatis mutandis but with such reduced timetable as the judge-rapporteur may order. He shall decide on the obligation to bear the legal costs of the proceedings for the determination of damages in accordance with Article 69 of the Agreement.

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Relation with Agreement:

Relation with Statute:

Linking to this rule:

Rule 80 – Compensation for a licence of right

Rule 143 – Further procedure