Rule 17

Recording in the register and assignment (Court of First Instance, infringement action)

Rules of Procedure

Part 1 – Procedures before the Court of First Instance

Chapter 1 – Written procedure

Section 1 – Infringement action

Statement of claim

Rule 17 – Recording in the register and assignment (Court of First Instance, infringement action)
  1. If the requirements referred to in Rule 16.2 or 16.3 have been complied with, the Registry shall as soon as practicable:
    1. record the date of receipt of the Statement of claim and attribute an action number to the file;
    2. record the file in the register; and
    3. inform the claimant of the action number of the file and the date of receipt.
  2. The action shall be assigned to a panel of a division according to Rule 345.3. Where requested by the parties the action shall be assigned to a single judge in accordance with Rule 345.6.
  3. The following shall determine the distribution of actions between the seat of the central division and its sections.
    1. Where an action involves a single patent having a single classification, the Registry shall allocate the action to the seat or the section of the central division appropriate to the classification of the patent according to Annex II of the Agreement. The Registry shall assign the action to a panel in accordance with Rule 345.3.
    2. Where an action involves more than one patent and a majority of the patents have a single classification appropriate to the seat or a single section of the central division according to Annex II of the Agreement, the Registry shall allocate the action to the seat or that section of the central division. The Registry shall assign the action to a panel in accordance with Rule 345.3.
    3. Where neither paragraph (a) nor (b) applies, especially where
      1. the action involves a single patent having more than one classification or
      2. where the action involves more than one patent and no majority of the patents have a single classification corresponding to the seat or to one of the sections of the central division, the Registry shall assign the action in accordance with Rule 345.3 to the panel at the seat or the section appropriate to the first classification of either the single patent or, where the action involves more than one patent, the patent first listed in the Statement of claim, according to Annex II of the Agreement. If the presiding judge of the respective panel considers that the reference of the action is appropriate, he shall accept it. If he considers otherwise, he shall instruct the Registry to refer the action in accordance with Rule 345.3 to the presiding judge of a panel of either the seat or the other section of the central division he considers appropriate, who shall likewise consider whether the re-allocation of the action is appropriate. If that presiding judge considers otherwise, he shall inform the President of the Court of First Instance, who shall allocate the action to the seat or the section of the central division he considers appropriate. The Registry shall assign the action to a panel in accordance with Rule 345.3.
  4. The action shall be regarded as having commenced before the Court as from the date of receipt attributed to the Statement of claim.

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