Rule 211

Order on the Application for provisional measures

Rules of Procedure

Part 3 – Provisional measures

Rule 211 – Order on the Application for provisional measures
  1. The Court may in particular order the following provisional measures:
    1. injunctions against a defendant;
    2. the seizure or delivery up of the goods suspected of infringing a patent right so as to prevent their entry into or movement within the channels of commerce;
    3. if an applicant demonstrates circumstances likely to endanger the recovery of damages, a precautionary seizure of the movable and immovable property of the defendant, including the blocking of his bank accounts and other assets;
    4. an interim award of costs.
  2. In taking its decision the Court may require the applicant to provide reasonable evidence to satisfy the Court with a sufficient degree of certainty that the applicant is entitled to commence proceedings pursuant to Article 47, that the patent in question is valid and that his right is being infringed, or that such infringement is imminent.
  3. In taking its decision the Court shall in the exercise of its discretion weigh up the interests of the parties and, in particular, take into account the potential harm for either of the parties resulting from the granting or the refusal of the injunction.
  4. The Court shall have regard to any unreasonable delay in seeking provisional measures.
  5. The Court may order the applicant to provide adequate security for appropriate compensation for any injury likely to be caused to the defendant which the applicant may be liable to bear in the event that the Court revokes the order for provisional measures. The Court shall do so where interim measures are ordered without the defendant having been heard unless there are special circumstances not to do so. The Court shall decide whether it is appropriate to order the security by deposit or bank guarantee. The order shall be effective only after the security has been given to the defendant in accordance with the Court’s decision.
  6. The order on provisional measures shall indicate that an appeal may be brought in accordance with Article 73 of the Agreement and Rule 220.1.

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