Rule 253

Examination as to formal requirements of the Application for rehearing

Rules of Procedure

Part 4 – Procedures before the court of appeal

Chapter 5 – Procedure for Application for rehearing

Rule 253 – Examination as to formal requirements of the Application for rehearing
  1. The Registry shall, as soon as practicable after the lodging of the Application for rehearing, examine whether the requirements of Rules 245, 246 and 250 have been complied with.
  2. If the petitioner has not complied with the requirements referred to in paragraph 1, the Registry shall invite the petitioner to:
    1. correct the deficiencies within 14 days; and
    2. where applicable, pay the fee for the rehearing within 14 days.

If the petitioner fails to correct the deficiencies or pay the fee the case shall be assigned to the standing judge by the Registrar (Rule 345.5 and .8) who may reject the Application for rehearing as inadmissible. He shall give the petitioner an opportunity to be heard beforehand.

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