Rule 278

Service of written pleadings and other documents

Rules of Procedure

Part 5 – General provisions

Chapter 2 – Service

Section 4 – Service of orders, decisions and written pleadings

Rule 278 – Service of written pleadings and other documents
  1. As soon as practicable after written pleadings have been received at the Registry, the Registry shall serve the pleadings and any other document lodged with the pleadings on the other party by means of electronic communication except if the pleading contains a request for an ex parte proceeding.
  2. Where service by means of electronic communication cannot be effected, the Registry shall serve the written pleadings on the party by:
    1. registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or equivalent; or
    2. any method authorised by the Court under Rule 275.
  3. Service under paragraph 2(a) shall be effected at the following place:
    1. where the party is a company or other legal person: at its statutory seat, central administration, principal place of business or at any place within the Contracting Member States where the company or other legal person has a place of business;
    2. where the party is an individual: at his usual or last known residence within the Contracting Member States.
  4. Rule 271.6 and 272 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
  5. Where a party is represented pursuant to Rule 8.1, the pleadings and other documents referred to in paragraph 1 shall be served on that representative. Paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

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