Rule 33

Application by a party for allocating a technically qualified judge

Rules of Procedure

Part 1 – Procedures before the Court of First Instance

Chapter 1 – Written procedure

Section 1 – Infringement action

Application for Allocating a Technically Qualified Judge to the Panel

Rule 33 – Application by a party for allocating a technically qualified judge
  1. Any party to the proceedings may lodge an Application for allocating a technically qualified judge to the panel which shall contain an indication of the relevant field of technology.
  2. The Application shall be lodged as early as possible in the written procedure. An Application lodged after the closure of the written procedure [Rule 35] shall only be granted if justified in view of changed circumstances, such as new submissions presented by the other party, and allowed by the Court.
  3. If the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 have been complied with, the President of the Court of First Instance shall allocate a technically qualified judge to the panel, after consulting the judge-rapporteur.

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