Rule 350


Rules of Procedure

Part 5 – General provisions

Chapter 10 – Decisions and orders

Rule 350 – Decisions
  1. Any decision shall contain:
    1. the statement that it is a decision of the Court;
    2. the date of its delivery;
    3. the names of the presiding judge, the judge-rapporteur and other judges taking part in it;
    4. the names of the parties and of the parties’ representatives;
    5. an indication of the claim, order or remedy sought by the parties;
    6. a summary of the facts; and
    7. the grounds for the decision.
  2. The order of the Court consequential upon the decision (other than costs) including any order giving immediate effect to an injunction, shall be appended to the decision. The order shall comply with Rule 351.
  3. Any dissenting opinion shall be attached to the Court’s decision.
  4. The decision of the Court of First Instance shall contain a summary of the requests and facts submitted by the parties and a statement of the facts and arguments on which the Court bases its decision.
  5. All decisions shall be recorded in the register.

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Relation with Agreement:

Relation with Statute:

Article 35(4) – Decisions

Linking to this rule:

Rule 117 – Absence of both parties from the oral hearing