Rule 351


Rules of Procedure

Part 5 – General provisions

Chapter 10 – Decisions and orders

Rule 351 – Orders
  1. Every order shall contain:
    1. the statement that it is an order of the judge-rapporteur, of the standing judge, of the single judge, of the presiding judge, of a President of the Court or of the Court;
    2. the date of its adoption;
    3. the names of any judge taking part in its adoption;
    4. the names of the parties and of the parties’ representatives; and
    5. the operative part of the order.
  2. Where, in accordance with these Rules the Court grants leave to appeal an order the order shall in addition contain:
    1. a statement of the forms of order sought by the parties;
    2. a summary of the facts; and
    3. the grounds for the order.
  3. All orders shall be recorded in the register.

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Relation with Agreement:

Relation with Statute:

Linking to this rule:

Rule 117 – Absence of both parties from the oral hearing

Rule 350 – Decisions