Rule 381


Rules of Procedure

Part 6 – Fees and legal aid

Legal aid

Rule 381 – Appeal
  1. An order wholly or partly refusing or withdrawing legal aid may be appealed to the Court of Appeal. The appeal shall be filed with the Court of Appeal within a period of one month after receiving the order and satisfy the provisions of Rules 377 to 379. The President of the Court of Appeal shall appoint a panel which shall decide on the appeal having heard the applicant.
  2. An application for legal aid to appeal a decision of the Court of First Instance shall be filed with the Court of Appeals and shall satisfy the provisions of Rules 377 to 379. The Application for legal aid to bring an appeal against a decision of the Court of First Instance shall be filed within the time limit provided for the appeal as specified in Rule 224 and should, where possible, be accompanied by the appeal itself. The Application shall be assigned according to Rule 345.8.

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