Rule 63

Contents of the Statement for a declaration of non-infringement

Rules of Procedure

Part 1 – Procedures before the Court of First Instance

Chapter 1 – Written procedure

Section 3 – Action for declaration of non-infringement

Rule 63 – Contents of the Statement for a declaration of non-infringement

The claimant shall, subject to point (b), lodge at the Registry in accordance with Article 33(4), Article 7(2) of the Agreement and Annex II thereto, a Statement for a declaration of non-infringement which shall contain:

(a) particulars in accordance with Rule 13.1(a) to (h) and particulars confirming that the requirements of Rule 61 are met;

(b) where the parties have agreed to bring the action before a local division or a regional division in accordance with Article 33(7) of the Agreement, an indication of the division which shall hear the action, accompanied by evidence of the defendant’s agreement;

(c) where applicable, an indication that the action shall be heard by a single judge [Article 8(7) of the Agreement], accompanied by evidence of the defendant’s agreement;

(d) the declaration sought by the claimant;

(e) the reasons why the performance of a specific act does not, or a proposed act would not, constitute an infringement of the patent concerned, including arguments of law and where appropriate an explanation of the claimant’s proposed claim construction;

(f) an indication of the facts relied on;

(g) the evidence relied on, where available, and an indication of any further evidence which will be offered in support;

(h) an indication of any order the claimant will seek at the interim conference [Rule 104(e)];

(i) where the claimant assesses that the value of the declaratory action exceeds EUR500.000, an indication of the value; and

(j) a list of the documents, including any witness statements, referred to in the Statement for a declaration together with any request that all or part of any such document need not be translated and/or any request pursuant to Rule 262.2 or Rule 262A. Rule 13.2 and .3 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

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